Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Lung Cancer, A Killer that doesnt give early warning

Lung cancer is a problem. Currently with a cure rate of less than 20% , we need to find early markers of the cancer. This is critical and continues to be a problem.

According to the http://www.cancer.org/docroot/home/index.asp American Cancer Society here are some fast facts about lung cancer:
1. New cases - 174,470 each year
2. Deaths in US 162, 460
3.Men: 92,700 New cases, 90,330 deaths
4. Women 81,770 new cases, 72,130 deaths
5. 44.5 million American Adults smoke

go to : http://www.lungcancer.org/ to learn more about Lung Cancer.

What is on the horizon? According to Dr. Mark Block, a thoracic surgeon in Hollywood Florida, more advances are being made. In a recent article in Florida Trend Magazine, he cites the following promising advances:

1. Chantix http://www.chantix.com/ a new drug designed to help smokers quit cigarettes by blocking nicotines effects. The FDA fast tracked this drug's approval.

2. Vidao assisted thoracic surgery- minimally invasive surgery that allows docs to view inside of chest through small incisions, ideal for biopsies.

3. Endoscopic ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration- helps sample lymph nodes

4. Lung volume reduction surgery- helps patients that were previously unable to have lung cancer surgery due to diseased lungs with poor lung function.

5. CT scans- great screening test for lung cancer

6. New drugs such as Tarceva http://www.tarceva.com/tarceva/patient/index.jsp?hl=en&lr=&q=tarceva

if you have any other comments on lung cancer please post them here...

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