Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Healthcare Technologist's Happy New Year Poem

Twas the night before New Years
And all through the house
Each PC was sleeping including the mouse

And all of the Acronyms,
Lined up through the hall
Adoption so small.

Healthcare Companies clamoring,
Come one, and come all
Microsoft battles Google,
Steve's Revolution yet crawls.

WEBMD is King
With the most monthly visits,
As competition heats up
Draws away all the people
Including the cynics.

DOSSIA was floundering,
Nearing it’s death
Reinvestment, a lawsuit,
Phrs as an HR benefit
is given new breath.

Consumer Directed,
consumer this and that,
Consumers need money,
Emrs and phrs
Second at bat.

MDVIP and concierge medicine is sprouting,
Discharged uninsured families and children,
without their doctors are left pouting.

Minute Clinics vs. AMA
in a battle of turfs,
Reminds me of court
held by the smurfs.

In the end ,
the new year will inevitably bring,
the promise of better healthcare,
But realistically,
wont change a thing.