Saturday, January 15, 2011

Medical Residents and medical students need help preparing for the real world

Are medical students or medical residents given adequate business training prior to entering the work force? Definitely Not. This is a huge deficiency in medical school and medical residency training.
Before any doctor or medical resident enters private practice and signs any contract with a potential medical group or employer, he or she should read The Medical Entrepreneur Pearls, Pitfalls and Practical Business Advice For Doctors. It was written specifically with medical residents, students and doctors in training in mind. There are contributions by health care and corporate attorneys giving advice to medical residents that will end up saving them money and headaches often associated with joining the wrong practice or starting off in practice without the correct licensures. The book gives medical residents and medical students and easy to read, step by step guide on how to be prepared for entering private practice.

Friday, January 14, 2011

University of Michigan Study: Medical Residents feel ill prepared to run small businesses

Lead author Linnea S. Hauge of the University of Michigan Medical School says medical residents say they lack instruction and feel ill prepared to run the small businesses doctors in private practice must manage.

The study goes on to show that web based learning may be a reasonable option for medical residents to get some education on business.

This is exactly why the book, The Medical Entrepreneur Pearls, Pitfalls and Practical Business Advice for Doctors was written. Medical students and doctors are not prepared in school or during training for the challenges of private practice and business. The book will help medical students and residents save money and headaches that often accompany the difficulties of private practice.

Private practice can be enjoyable and medical residents can now be prepared. The Medical Entrepreneur book is available at for $19.99 or Kindle for only $9.99.