Sunday, March 07, 2010 acquired by

I am excited about the recent acquisition of the company I started in my house many years ago. has grown to become a house hold word. It's enduring nature is rewarding.
In 1996, when I first named and started the company, I believed in the need for people to find reputable skin care products and advice on the Internet. I remember writing the business plan and the content for the first pages of the first website. I knew I was on to something special. I was particularly excited about creating the "education center". In 1997, I created the "education center" on the site. There were not many places for people to learn about skin care issues and then buy their skin care products that addressed those issues. This remains important today. has helped over a million visitors in the last fourteen years.

Doctors can create a successful business by understanding the needs of their patients. My patients wanted doctor recommended skin care products without having to visit the office every time they wanted a new product. That was the value proposition.

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