Wednesday, July 25, 2007

should Doctors withhold a patient's record?

Doctor's receive requests for their patient's records every day. This is part of their practice and in fact, some doctors, have staff to just perform the function of copying and sending their notes to their patients or to the insurance companies, lawyers, or other doctors that request their notes.

Can doctors refuse to transfer or release their patient's medical records?

No, it is un ethical for a doctor to refuse to promptly respon to a valid request for a record transfer. So, if your doctor is not complying with your request, then you might want to have a discussion with him.

I think most doctors are aware of this and I am unaware of doctors that intentionally withhold their patietns medical records. It should be emphasized that most states allow for doctors to charge a reasonable fee for the work and costs associated with releasing, copying, and sending records.

Here is some shameless self promotion... webservice like , makes it easy, in a Hipaa compliant fashion, to request , receive and automate the process of getting your doctors records, notes, charts , etc and store them in a centralized, secure environment that can be accessed from anywhere and printed off from anywhere.

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