Sunday, January 14, 2007

2007 Healthy Resolution tips

A recent article in AAA magazine, ,
listed 10 steps to a healthier you in 2007

1. Maintain a healthy weight.
2. Make better food choices.
3. Stay active
4. Do not use tobacco.
5. Stay Current with recommended health screens
a. women-pelvic and pap smear, periodic self breast exams, every year starting at age 18
b. women-mammograms every 2-3 years after age 30 at age 40 for african americans and pasa at age 50 for white men, annually
d. men and women-colonoscopy every 10 years starting at age 50
6. Mainatin an ideal choleterol level, under 200, with HDL over 45, LDL under 100, and triglyceride under 150
7. Maintain normal blood sugar levels
8. Wear a seatbelt
9. Nurture yourself, take your time to relax and go to spa, enjoy the arts
10. Manage stress and avoid bad relationships.

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