Hello, that is my picture to the left when I was hiking a glacier in Alaska. My name is Steve and this is the first time I have ever written a blog. I am writing this blog as the CEO of PassportMD to help PassportMD customers and visitors and potential customers learn about and communicate with our company.
I was inspired to set this blog up for many reasons: I enjoy writing, I enjoy helping Seniors (as a physician I have done this for the last 15 years), and also most importantly, I have an interest in using technology to help people take better care of themselves. I recently created a web site that serves just that function. The web site is called Keep Seniors Healthy.com (http://www.KeepSeniorsHealthy.com). I am hoping that this blog serves to make people aware of my web site, http://www.KeepSeniorsHealthy.com, as I have worked very hard to create a software application that can provide real benefit to people. I believe that web site will help people better manage their own health and be prepared for unexpected emergencies. I am also hopeful that this blog can create a forum or community for seniors to come and ask me questions regarding technology or larger healthcare issues. I am not creating this blog to treat, diagnose or advise anyone concerning their own personal health problems. For that I suggest you see a doctor. I just want to help with the confusing issues that face seniors in navigating the waters that we call ... healthcare.. finding the right doctors, insurance issues, discussions on experiences with their physicians, managing their healthcare, healthcare proxy, advanced directives, financing the cost of their medicines, prescriptions, new insurance alternatives, drug cards, how technology impacts your healthcare choices and your healthcare delivery, how you can be pro-active with your healthcare, and so much more...
I hope that this blog becomes something very valuable to everyone as a source of information and discussion.
CEO, PassportMD, Inc
Founder of www.KeepSeniorsHealthy.com
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